Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The funny thing is I never even thought that I was going to have feelings for you. You were just some person, who didn't really mean anything to me, but you came when I needed you and it's frustrating how quickly I became attached to your presence. How when you leave it bothers me because it means that I don't get to see your face anymore. I won't see your eyes as the penetrate almost to my soul. I never thought you'd be as deep as you are either. I just thought you were simply put someone who just smoked a lot. But you're so much more than that, and yet you still don't realize when I need you. You still don't get that sometimes I just need to be near you. Not for any specific purpose but because I literally just need to feel your body next to mine whether we're touching or not; doesn't even matter. And all of this bothers me, because this wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to fall for you. It was just supposed to be another fling like everyone else, where I was always in control and you were only after me. And somewhere along the way I gave it all up. I gave up the control and the fling because I just needed to feel loved. I needed to know that someone loved me in this world, and a stranger...that was the best kind of love. And now it's not anymore, now I want more.