Saturday, July 31, 2010

Set yourself free

Just finished an episode of Grey's Anatomy and it was sad yet inspiring all at the same time. She fell for her best friend's fiancée and didn't stand as the maid of honor at the wedding. She let him go and she talks about how she thought there would be plenty more men just like him in her life, but there weren't and that's what makes the story sad. The fact that there was never another man that she felt that way about ever again, but when he asks her to move in with him and basically promises her all she had once dreamed about, she tells him that she got over him. That she moved on and had kids and grandchildren with the man that she did end up marrying. This is what broke my heart and mended it at the same time; kind of the way Nicholas Sparks books have a away of tugging on those ever so prominent heart strings. It's not that she ever loved someone the same way that she loved him, because there was NEVER another him....but it doesn't mean she didn't move on with her life. And oddly enough, he didn't. Sad huh? and definitely weird. Funny how life can throw love all around, it;s just your job to catch it and keep it, or figure out that maybe that love was never meant to keep, but that instead it was meant to set free, and so you set yourself free too.

-A friend of mine took this picture. I hope she sets the person who she loved free someday, and in turn sets herself free from the love that binds her.