Monday, July 19, 2010

You are literally pathetic.

YOU BROKE UP WITH ME!!!!! So why are you acting like this little sad puppy and getting mad at me because I'm alright? Why are you mad at me because i already moved on from you? Did you really think that I was going to be one of those girls that sat around and cried over you for days so you could go tell all your friends how you know you did the right thing by dumping me but I'm just so sad and pathetic and I can't handle I must have fallen so much harder for you than you did for me. You make me sick. It's guys like you that I love to dump me. I love to watch your reaction when I tell you I'm fine and that we can still be friends if you want. Because it never ceases to fail that for some reason the second you dump me and I'm okay you want me back and you think you've made some kind of mistake. Because according to men like you...women are suppose to be upset when you dump them even though you were a crappy boyfriend in the first place. It's so literally WHY are you so upset that I'm not upset? You should be thanking your lucky stars that I'm not some crazy bitch who wants to key your car or break into your room and rip everything apart. you're so pathetic....which is why I already found someone else.