Sunday, October 3, 2010

I fell in love of the arms of an imaginary man

YOU broke MY heart and you still got to be the one to walk away. You still got to be the one who had to feel no pain. You got to be the one to walk right out of my arms and into someone else's. You get to breathe easy while I sometimes still have to fight to breathe when I get a call or a text or any sort of signal that you are even alive anymore. You walked right out of my life and you don't even make the effort to stay in it. You walked away without scars while I am covered in scabs that still rip open occasionally. You won, and I lost. Everything. Which leads me to believe that nothing between us was real. That it was all just a figment of my imagination for years. You were never real were you? You never meant to keep any of those promises....and why would you?

You aren't real.