Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Gray Area

See I thought love was black and white. That it was wrong or it was right.

But it's not. There are so many different ways to love someone. You can love someone who you don't even know; a complete stranger. You can love your parents and your family. You can love your boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend. You can love someone and hate them at the same time. You can love your parents even thought they drive you up a wall, or even if they don't seem like they love you back. You can love your siblings and fight with them everyday.

And FALLING in love really is just a bunch of gray area and we're just supposed to open up our hearts and let it float it's way through the mist. You have to let it get shattered so someone else can come and pick it up and hot glue it all back together. And I do mean HOT glue it because love should never be simple. It should be complicated as hell and steamy like you just set your kitchen on fire. It should me messy and filled with kisses and touches, shaking legs and pounding hearts. It should never be boring because when you love someone, boring isn't possible because even when you're bored you can be bored together and that's just as fun.

So send your little heart balloon out there into the world and see what kind of static it brings to your life. Go tell the person you love that you love them. Make big gestures and small frog leaps. Someday it'll all be worth every moment, because it's usually the gray areas in life that bring all the color out.