Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do

So what if I'm not needy? So what if I don't want to crawl up your ass on a regular basis? So what if I madly and stupidly fell in love with you and I'm afraid to let you know because the last time I let someone know me and love me I got really hurt, because they left? They didn't even really leave, they're actually still very much around, but ya know that fear that some people tend to have; that one that the person they're madly in love with will just wake up one day and not be in love with them anymore? Well I lived that. And the worst part is there's never any real reason why it happens. You just wake up one day and feel differently. So please forgive me for not wanting to look too needy, or wanting to let you know how incredible you make me feel, or the butterflies you give me whenever I see your name pop up on the front of my phone. I've been hurt, but I am not one of those girls that lets that damage get in the way of letting myself love again; Obviously. I'm just a little afraid because I forgot what this out of control feeling was.

It's a little bit funny,
this feeling inside.
I'm not one of those,
who can easily hide.

I don't really know what else to say other than thank you. Thank you for reminding me what this feeling feels like. For convincing me that love still exists in this way. That the butterflies in me didn't die. I guess they were maybe just waiting for someone like you to come along.
