Monday, March 21, 2011

Sweet Serendipity

So, I was thinking next time it's super nice out...we should take a blanket to the farm and lay out in the field and watch the stars. I know you'll be warm because you always are and I'll just curl up next to you so I can be warm too. I'll even break down and bring a thermostat of coffee so you can stay up even though I hate it. Just promise you'll hold me.

I don't ask for alot
No nothing more than I need
Cause' I love what I got
Don't need to play the lottery
I just wanna' be strong
At the end of the road
I don't want to hold on
I want the strength to let go

And I'm doing just fine
I'm always landing on my feet,
In the nick of time,
And by the skin of my teeth
I ain't gonna stress
Cause' the worst ain't happened yet
Something's watching over me like
Sweet Serendipity

And what will be will be, in the nick of time,
And by the skin of my teeth
I ain't gonna stress
Cause' the worst ain't happened yet
Something's watching over me like
Sweet Serendipity